PGARRO | IMPLEMENTED | draw an arrow |
PGASK | IMPLEMENTED | control new page prompting |
PGAXIS | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw an axis |
PGBAND | IMPLEMENTED | read cursor position, with anchor |
PGBBUF | IMPLEMENTED | begin batch of output (buffer) |
PGBEG | IMPLEMENTED | open a graphics device |
PGBIN | IMPLEMENTED | histogram of binned data |
PGBOX | IMPLEMENTED | draw labeled frame around viewport |
PGCIRC | IMPLEMENTED | draw a circle, using fill-area attributes |
PGCLOS | IMPLEMENTED | close the selected graphics device |
PGCONB | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array, with blanking |
PGCONF | NOT IMPLEMENTED | fill between two contours |
PGCONL | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | label contour map of a 2D data array |
PGCONS | IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array (fast algorithm) |
PGCONT | IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array (contour-following) |
PGCONX | NOT IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array (non rectangular) |
PGCTAB | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | install the color table to be used by PGIMAG |
PGCURS | IMPLEMENTED | read cursor position |
PGDRAW | IMPLEMENTED | draw a line from the current pen position to a point |
PGEBUF | IMPLEMENTED | end batch of output (buffer) |
PGEND | IMPLEMENTED | close all open graphics devices |
PGENV | IMPLEMENTED | set window and viewport and draw labeled frame |
PGERAS | IMPLEMENTED | erase all graphics from current page |
PGERR1 | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal or vertical error bar |
PGERRB | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal or vertical error bar |
PGERRX | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal error bar |
PGERRY | IMPLEMENTED | vertical error bar |
PGETXT | NOT IMPLEMENTED | erase text from graphics display |
PGFUNT | IMPLEMENTED | function defined by X = F(T), Y = G(T) |
PGFUNX | IMPLEMENTED | function defined by Y = F(X) |
PGFUNY | IMPLEMENTED | function defined by X = F(Y) |
PGGRAY | IMPLEMENTED | gray-scale map of a 2D data array |
PGHI2D | NOT IMPLEMENTED | cross-sections through a 2D data array |
PGHIST | IMPLEMENTED | histogram of unbinned data |
PGIDEN | IMPLEMENTED | write username, date, and time at bottom of plot |
PGIMAG | IMPLEMENTED | color image from a 2D data array |
PGLAB | IMPLEMENTED | write labels for x-axis, y-axis, and top of plot |
PGLCUR | IMPLEMENTED | draw a line using the cursor |
PGLDEV | IMPLEMENTED | list available device types on standard output |
PGLEN | IMPLEMENTED | find length of a string in a variety of units |
PGLINE | IMPLEMENTED | draw a polyline (curve defined by line-segments) |
PGMOVE | IMPLEMENTED | move pen (change current pen position) |
PGMTXT | IMPLEMENTED | write text at position relative to viewport |
PGNCUR | IMPLEMENTED | mark a set of points using the cursor |
PGNUMB | IMPLEMENTED | convert a number into a plotable character string |
PGOLIN | IMPLEMENTED | mark a set of points using the cursor |
PGOPEN | IMPLEMENTED | open a graphics device |
PGPAGE | IMPLEMENTED | advance to new page |
PGPANL | IMPLEMENTED | switch to a different panel on the view surface |
PGPAP | IMPLEMENTED | change the size of the view surface |
PGPIXL | IMPLEMENTED | draw pixels |
PGPNTS | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw several graph markers, not all the same |
PGPOLY | IMPLEMENTED | draw a polygon, using fill-area attributes |
PGPT | IMPLEMENTED | draw several graph markers |
PGPT1 | IMPLEMENTED | draw one graph marker |
PGPTXT | IMPLEMENTED | write text at arbitrary position and angle |
PGQAH | IMPLEMENTED | inquire arrow-head style |
PGQCF | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character font |
PGQCH | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character height |
PGQCI | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color index |
PGQCIR | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color index range |
PGQCLP | IMPLEMENTED | inquire clipping status |
PGQCOL | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color capability |
PGQCR | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color representation |
PGQCS | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character height in a variety of units |
PGQDT | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire name of nth available device type |
PGQFS | IMPLEMENTED | inquire fill-area style |
PGQHS | IMPLEMENTED | inquire hatching style |
PGQID | IMPLEMENTED | inquire current device identifier |
PGQINF | IMPLEMENTED | inquire PGPLOT general information |
PGQITF | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire image transfer function |
PGQLS | IMPLEMENTED | inquire line style |
PGQLW | IMPLEMENTED | inquire line width |
PGQNDT | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire number of available device types |
PGQPOS | IMPLEMENTED | inquire current pen position |
PGQTBG | IMPLEMENTED | inquire text background color index |
PGQTXT | IMPLEMENTED | find bounding box of text string |
PGQVP | IMPLEMENTED | inquire viewport size and position |
PGQVSZ | IMPLEMENTED | inquire size of view surface |
PGQWIN | IMPLEMENTED | inquire window boundary coordinates |
PGRECT | IMPLEMENTED | draw a rectangle, using fill-area attributes |
PGRND | IMPLEMENTED | find the smallest `round' number greater than x |
PGRNGE | IMPLEMENTED | choose axis limits |
PGSAH | IMPLEMENTED | set arrow-head style |
PGSAVE | IMPLEMENTED | save PGPLOT attributes |
PGUNSA | IMPLEMENTED | restore PGPLOT attributes |
PGSCF | IMPLEMENTED | set character font |
PGSCH | IMPLEMENTED | set character height |
PGSCI | IMPLEMENTED | set color index |
PGSCIR | IMPLEMENTED | set color index range |
PGSCLP | IMPLEMENTED | enable or disable clipping at edge of viewport |
PGSCR | IMPLEMENTED | set color representation |
PGSCRL | NOT IMPLEMENTED | scroll window |
PGSCRN | NOT IMPLEMENTED | set color representation by name |
PGSFS | IMPLEMENTED | set fill-area style |
PGSHLS | IMPLEMENTED | set color representation using HLS system |
PGSHS | IMPLEMENTED | set hatching style |
PGSITF | NOT IMPLEMENTED | set image transfer function |
PGSLCT | IMPLEMENTED | select an open graphics device |
PGSLS | IMPLEMENTED | set line style |
PGSLW | IMPLEMENTED | set line width |
PGSTBG | IMPLEMENTED | set text background color index |
PGSUBP | IMPLEMENTED | subdivide view surface into panels |
PGSVP | IMPLEMENTED | set viewport (normalized device coordinates) |
PGSWIN | IMPLEMENTED | set window |
PGTBOX | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | draw frame and write (DD) HH MM SS.S labelling |
PGTEXT | IMPLEMENTED | write text (horizontal, left-justified) |
PGTICK | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw a single tick mark on an axis |
PGUPDT | IMPLEMENTED | update display |
PGVECT | IMPLEMENTED | vector map of a 2D data array, with blanking |
PGVSIZ | IMPLEMENTED | set viewport (inches) |
PGVSTD | IMPLEMENTED | set standard (default) viewport |
PGWEDG | IMPLEMENTED | annotate an image plot with a wedge |
PGWNAD | IMPLEMENTED | set window and adjust viewport to same aspect ratio |
PGADVANCE | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGPAGE |
PGBEGIN | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGBEG |
PGCURSE | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGCURS |
PGLABEL | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGLAB |
PGMTEXT | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGMTXT |
PGNCURSE | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGNCUR |
PGPAPER | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGPAP |
PGPOINT | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGPT |
PGPTEXT | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGPTXT |
PGVPORT | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGSVP |
PGVSIZE | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGVSIZ |
PGVSTAND | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGVSTD |
PGWINDOW | IMPLEMENTED | non-standard alias for PGSWIN |
114 of 127 routines implemented, 110 of 127 fully implemented.
cpgarro | IMPLEMENTED | draw an arrow |
cpgask | IMPLEMENTED | control new page prompting |
cpgaxis | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw an axis |
cpgband | IMPLEMENTED | read cursor position, with anchor |
cpgbbuf | IMPLEMENTED | begin batch of output (buffer) |
cpgbeg | IMPLEMENTED | open a graphics device |
cpgbin | IMPLEMENTED | histogram of binned data |
cpgbox | IMPLEMENTED | draw labeled frame around viewport |
cpgcirc | IMPLEMENTED | draw a circle, using fill-area attributes |
cpgclos | IMPLEMENTED | close the selected graphics device |
cpgconb | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array, with blanking |
cpgconf | NOT IMPLEMENTED | fill between two contours |
cpgconl | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | label contour map of a 2D data array |
cpgcons | IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array (fast algorithm) |
cpgcont | IMPLEMENTED | contour map of a 2D data array (contour-following) |
cpgctab | IMPLEMENTED | install the color table to be used by pgimag |
cpgcurs | IMPLEMENTED | read cursor position |
cpgdraw | IMPLEMENTED | draw a line from the current pen position to a point |
cpgebuf | IMPLEMENTED | end batch of output (buffer) |
cpgend | IMPLEMENTED | close all open graphics devices |
cpgenv | IMPLEMENTED | set window and viewport and draw labeled frame |
cpgeras | IMPLEMENTED | erase all graphics from current page |
cpgerr1 | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal or vertical error bar |
cpgerrb | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal or vertical error bar |
cpgerrx | IMPLEMENTED | horizontal error bar |
cpgerry | IMPLEMENTED | vertical error bar |
cpgetxt | NOT IMPLEMENTED | erase text from graphics display |
cpggray | IMPLEMENTED | gray-scale map of a 2D data array |
cpghi2D | NOT IMPLEMENTED | cross-sections through a 2D data array |
cpghist | IMPLEMENTED | histogram of unbinned data |
cpgiden | IMPLEMENTED | write username, date, and time at bottom of plot |
cpgimag | IMPLEMENTED | color image from a 2D data array |
cpglab | IMPLEMENTED | write labels for x-axis, y-axis, and top of plot |
cpglcur | IMPLEMENTED | draw a line using the cursor |
cpgldev | IMPLEMENTED | list available device types on standard output |
cpglen | IMPLEMENTED | find length of a string in a variety of units |
cpgline | IMPLEMENTED | draw a polyline (curve defined by line-segments) |
cpgmove | IMPLEMENTED | move pen (change current pen position) |
cpgmtxt | IMPLEMENTED | write text at position relative to viewport |
cpgncur | IMPLEMENTED | mark a set of points using the cursor |
cpgnumb | IMPLEMENTED | convert a number into a plottable character string |
cpgolin | IMPLEMENTED | mark a set of points using the cursor |
cpgopen | IMPLEMENTED | open a graphics device |
cpgpage | IMPLEMENTED | advance to new page |
cpgpanl | IMPLEMENTED | switch to a different panel on the view surface |
cpgpap | IMPLEMENTED | change the size of the view surface |
cpgpixl | IMPLEMENTED | draw pixels |
cpgpnts | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw several graph markers, not all the same |
cpgpoly | IMPLEMENTED | draw a polygon, using fill-area attributes |
cpgpt | IMPLEMENTED | draw several graph markers |
cpgpt1 | IMPLEMENTED | draw one graph marker |
cpgptxt | IMPLEMENTED | write text at arbitrary position and angle |
cpgqah | IMPLEMENTED | inquire arrow-head style |
cpgqcf | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character font |
cpgqch | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character height |
cpgqci | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color index |
cpgqcir | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color index range |
cpgqclp | IMPLEMENTED | inquire clipping Status |
cpgqcol | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color capability |
cpgqcr | IMPLEMENTED | inquire color representation |
cpgqcs | IMPLEMENTED | inquire character height in a variety of units |
cpgqdt | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire name of nth available device type |
cpgqfs | IMPLEMENTED | inquire fill-area style |
cpgqhs | IMPLEMENTED | inquire hatching style |
cpgqid | IMPLEMENTED | inquire current device identifier |
cpgqinf | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire pgplot general information |
cpgqitf | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire image transfer function |
cpgqls | IMPLEMENTED | inquire line style |
cpgqlw | IMPLEMENTED | inquire line width (as integer) |
cpgqndt | NOT IMPLEMENTED | inquire number of available device types |
cpgqpos | IMPLEMENTED | inquire current pen position |
cpgqtbg | IMPLEMENTED | inquire text background color index |
cpgqtxt | IMPLEMENTED | find bounding box of text string |
cpgqvp | IMPLEMENTED | inquire viewport size and position |
cpgqvsz | IMPLEMENTED | inquire size of view surface |
cpgqwin | IMPLEMENTED | inquire window boundary coordinates |
cpgrect | IMPLEMENTED | draw a rectangle, using fill-area attributes |
cpgrnd | IMPLEMENTED | find the smallest `round' number greater than x |
cpgrnge | IMPLEMENTED | choose axis limits |
cpgsah | IMPLEMENTED | set arrow-head style |
cpgsave | IMPLEMENTED | save pgplot attributes |
cpgunsa | IMPLEMENTED | restore pgplot attributes |
cpgscf | IMPLEMENTED | set character font |
cpgsch | IMPLEMENTED | set character height |
cpgsci | IMPLEMENTED | set color index |
cpgscir | IMPLEMENTED | set color index range |
cpgsclp | IMPLEMENTED | enable or disable clipping at edge of viewport |
cpgscr | IMPLEMENTED | set color representation |
cpgscrl | NOT IMPLEMENTED | scroll window |
cpgscrn | NOT IMPLEMENTED | set color representation by name |
cpgsfs | IMPLEMENTED | set fill-area style |
cpgshls | IMPLEMENTED | set color representation using hls system |
cpgshs | IMPLEMENTED | set hatching style |
cpgsitf | NOT IMPLEMENTED | set image transfer function |
cpgslct | IMPLEMENTED | select an open graphics device |
cpgsls | IMPLEMENTED | set line style |
cpgslw | IMPLEMENTED | set line width |
cpgstbg | IMPLEMENTED | set text background color index |
cpgsubp | IMPLEMENTED | subdivide view surface into panels |
cpgsvp | IMPLEMENTED | set viewport (normalized device coordinates) |
cpgswin | IMPLEMENTED | set window |
cpgtbox | PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED | draw frame and write (dd) hh mm ss.s labelling |
cpgtext | IMPLEMENTED | write text (horizontal, left-justified) |
cpgtick | NOT IMPLEMENTED | draw a single tick mark on an axis |
cpgupdt | IMPLEMENTED | update display |
cpgvect | IMPLEMENTED | vector map of a 2D data array, with blanking |
cpgvsiz | IMPLEMENTED | set viewport (inches) |
cpgvstd | IMPLEMENTED | set standard (default) viewport |
cpgwedg | IMPLEMENTED | annotate an image plot with a wedge |
cpgwnad | IMPLEMENTED | set window and adjust viewport to same aspect ratio |
97 of 110 routines implemented, 94 of 110 fully implemented.